Monday, December 26, 2011

No papers please – a Food Ministry Christmas

They came from all over North Alabama and southern Tennessee, black, brown, white and all shades in between. They were the volunteers on Thursday, December 22.

They came from all over North Alabama and southern Tennessee, black brown, white and all shades in between. They were the hungry, those who needed clothes or toys for their kids for Christmas.

It started off as a food ministry, but now it also fills other needs as well. English was the main language, but Spanish was often heard as well.

On the food line we were given strict instructions; two cans of green beans, two cans of carrots, two of pears, a bag of frozen sweet potato fries and two pounds of rice for each person. No more. Unless someone asked. Our customers in turn would not only tell us if they needed more, but when they had enough at home. “No rice today, I have enough and I don’t want to take it when someone else needs it more”.

The toy line was long. Each person got a ticket for two toys. The supply was limited, but no one complained.  Shoppers were let in 15 at a time because the space was small and the demand was large. Hundreds were served by the end of the evening.

The toys were donated, as was much of the food. All of the help was by volunteers; an odd mix of individuals, a middle school basketball team, an alumni group from a fraternity and many different church and civic groups.

You heard Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, and God Bless you often. But what you never heard in this ministry the week before Christmas was, “your papers please”. This ministry answers to a higher law.


  1. Thanks Bob, to you and to all who make someone's life better by reaching out and going out of your way to make a positive difference. Merry Christmas.

  2. I can't claim any credit. I just showed up and worked for a few hours. The heroes are the people who run this ministry. I did not include their names because I don't want to get them in any trouble for not checking ID's.
